Cruise Hero Client
Last updated
Last updated
Integration fields are now enabled for Hero CMS on the following page types:
Cruiseline Pages - Cruiselines_api
Ship Pages - Ship_api
Integration fields connect your page to the Dreamlake Api, enabling the usage of content, logotypes and images from our systems. A ship page with connection to a specific ship from our api, will render a fact box, an image gallery and highlights-block on your page. This content is updated dynamically, and the language is set as your default language. A Cruiseline page with a connection to a cruiseline will only render the logotype on your cruiseline page.
Images with a + sign in name have been disappearing from cdn. Ship page without content get a default, slimmer design. A button hides image galleries and highlights. Onboard new client Search Cards slightly edited in translation of destination and port names, commas and bullets are used. Quote step 3 (succesfull quote made by client) have a specific url, to track in analytics.
Build Name: all-hotfixes-and-into-master-2000 Branch Name: release/all-hotfixes-and-into-master
Release Sprint Sture — consists of several hotfixes and bugfixes in the recent sprint.
Hotfix release, mainly considers document linking in richtext fields in prismic. Now it works by querying our cache in the link resolver.
Build name: extending-slices-and-prismic-1795 Branch name: hotfix/extending-slices-and-prismic
Hotfix for updating query in url when filtering the search result.
Build name: query-dont-update Branch name: hotfix/query-dont-update
!! New release includes a redesign of the search module (v2), with a brand spanking new calendar, filters, bullets. A responsive redesign for ease of use in smaller devices, with an important insight: the removal of unfriendly range-sliders in search and filters.
Calendar: uses one input with a monthpicker, with the ability to pick within a range of 6 years (3 visible in modal). Help texts are designed to invite and inform of users date range.
Length of trip: numbers of nights as options in a select box.
Facet filters are hidden behind a bigger button within search results, scope of facets are [destinations], [cruise lines] and [departure ports].
Bullets live in the search result area.
Search results are rounded to nearest 50, displayed as 50+, 100+, etc.
Package page was showing error when a departure didnt exist or expired. Solution was if the departure did'nt exist, we take the first departure in the package
Current room in quote flow now has a grey background color to make it easier to see.
Build name: package-page-exploding
Button for rooms selection on packagePage are now filled in primary color
maxAmountofMonths search was set to 24
Quotepage form selected variation styled to distinguish from non-selected rooms
Darker shades of gray in quoteform inputs
Norwegian translations included
Release Facts:
Build Name: trickle-down-ec-fixes-1560
Css: Using font-display : "auto" as to render all text in fallback-fonts before client downloads them. See reference on this rule.
Lazy loading images: new wrapper-component to load <Image>-component lazily.
UpdateRoutePath: when changing search parameters on any page with search results, we keep asPath intact. Eg, on a landing page /rederier/hurtigruten, we don't want to change it on an update. Same applies to index which was updating routePath to /index?querystring
Background-images are the main weight concern on the index-landing page. We now load them lazy.
PackagePage also loads images lazy.
Evaluate isTouched-prop (true) when dateFilter props change.
SearchContainer sets 24-months as standards maxSearchLength.
CleanInputfromPrismic: use to fix weird searchString inputs from editors in prismic.
Build Name: updatePath-fix-1509
Released to: Stage and Prod
Build: improved-search-1705 Branch: release/improved-search